News & views
29Jan '11
Web sites for solicitors - choosing a provider
A solicitor client called me with an unusual request last year, when he asked me to explain how our web site quotation compared with two others that he had received: “It is like comparing apples with pears – they seem to be written in different languages.”
29Jan '11
Marketing Budgets – Not such a black art!
Are you in legal marketing budget limbo-land? Perhaps, you submitted your 2011 marketing budget for approval last year, but do not expect to hear what and how much has been approved for at least a month, maybe longer?
19Jan '11
Specialised Websites - The pros and cons (Article by Delia Venables and published in the Internet Newsletter for Lawyers)
Most specialised websites relate to a particular work area, usually with a work-related domain name. Instead of a firm trying to cover all its work areas in one website, the task is split up into a number of separate sites with each concentrating on one legal area.