News & views
28Jan '19
Managing marketing – hot potato or high performance team? Part 4 (first published in Managing for Success by the Law Society)
In part 4 of a 5 part series written for the Law Society Law Management Section, Sue Bramall stresses you should properly manage and train your law firm’s marketing team, so they are fully equipped to do their job to the best of their ability.
- Law firm marketing
- Marketing plans
- Marketing strategy
23Jan '19
Veterans, traditionalists and baby boomers – take care marketing to older clients (first published in PS magazine by The Law Soc
Given that none of us feel old, should we segment our target market by age? And if so, is it necessary to adapt our marketing for older clients?
- Marketing strategy
- Content strategy
18Jan '19

The knowledge innovation virtual book club
Do your New Year’s resolutions include joining a book club? Developing new skills? Expanding your network?
- Team
- Knowledge management
- Law Consultancy Network
14Jan '19

Mind your language – respect for people living with dementia
Private client lawyers, solicitors working in mental health law, law firm PSLs, marketing staff, and external copywriters will be interested in a best practice guide which highlights language to avoid when writing about people living with dementia.
- Legal writing tips
- Content strategy
- Legal content
- Diversity & inclusion
- Legal newsletters
- Editorial Style Guides