News & views
15Sep '23

Sending bulk emails? The ICO issues new guidance with words of warning
Are you sending out bulk emails to clients or prospects? If so, you should proceed with caution and take note of the ICO’s new guidance.
- AI & big data
- Contact data
- Law firm marketing
- Legal newsletters
- Lawyer marketing
10Jan '23
Salesforce CRM upgrade for legal content marketing experts
Read the case study on our Salesforce CRM upgrade to accommodate the growing number of legal content subscriptions.
- Contact data
- Knowledge management
- Law firm marketing
- Legal content
- Team
- Time management
17Jul '20
Podcast: Law firm marketing to clients during the coronavirus pandemic
In a podcast for The Law Society Law Management Section, Fariha Butt of Saracens Solicitors interviewed Sue Bramall on the subject of client communications and how to manage your marketing to achieve your objectives during the pandemic.
- Content strategy
- Contact data
- Law Consultancy Network
- Law firm marketing
- Legal newsletters
- Marketing plans
- Time management
- Marketing strategy
- Team
24May '19

Covering broccoli with cheese sauce - why do lawyers need to be bribed or threatened to embrace CRM?
After legal expertise, client relationships are surely a lawyers most valuable asset – and yet managing that information is often given scant attention.
- Law firm marketing
- Contact data
- Legal market research
22Sep '17

Sue Bramall presents webinar on cross-selling legal services for Law Society Law Management Section
Sue Bramall is joining forces with former Pinsents colleague Simon McNidder to present a webinar for the Law Society, Law Management Section entitled: Cross-selling legal services - Maximising the lifetime value of your clients
- Marketing strategy
- Contact data
16Aug '16

Cross selling – not for the faint hearted: a strategic approach to cross-selling private client services
How often does any client of your firm walk out of the door without a will, or without anyone knowing if they have a will or a power of attorney? How often has one of your firm’s clients instructed another private client lawyer that ‘they just happened to meet’ because they did not know that you offered a particular service?
- Contact data
- Law firm marketing
- Marketing strategy
01Jul '15

How do you value your contacts? (first published in the Internet Newsletter for Lawyers)
Sue Bramall explains the importance of client data management and how to use it effectively in your law firm.
- Contact data
- Marketing strategy