Website content strategy for Luqmani Thompson solicitors

Often when a new website goes live, there is a period of scurrying around to finalise (or even generate) the content for new pages. Or the site goes live with pages with the message “coming soon”.

While the new website was being built for Luqmani Thompson, we worked with the partners to produce all the new content for the website – starting with the lawyer profiles, each lawyer was asked to complete a detailed crib sheet which prompted them to provide evidence of their experience and achievements (rather than just saying they were good at something). This was really valuable, as it highlighted lots of interesting work that could also be mentioned on the nine legal service pages. We particularly wanted to highlight key cases and the breadth of work the firm undertakes.

 Sally Thompson took the lead on coordinating the lawyer profiles, while Jawaid Luqmani worked with Sue to flesh out the legal service pages and Milla Walker valiantly reviewed the c90 old blogs to decide whether they needed to be pulled across, if they needed to be updated, and which of the nine services they should be tagged for – quite an exercise!

We all had a fresh look at how best to convey the complex pricing information in a user-friendly manner to meet the SRA transparency rules.

 Sue Bramall commented on the efficiency and responsiveness of the team at Luqmani Thompson:

 “What a team! In over 25 years of helping launch law firm websites, this is the first time the content has all been drafted, edited, and signed off before the development team have finished coding the website.“

This meant that as soon as Exesios provided access to the beta site (6/7 weeks after the designs had been signed off), we were able to upload the content very quickly and focus on working with the developer to iron out any bugs. The website went live on 31 May.

Click here to see article on the rebrand process, Sharing the lessons of the Luqmani Thompson law firm rebrand, first published in the Law Society magazine Managing for Success.

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